19 January 2023
Members enjoyed something different at the meeting - a presentation with illustrations on Infrared Photography, ably presented by fellow member Tony Bamford.
Tony discussed what infrared is, how to take this kind of photography (using film or digital) and comparing the use of filters or camera conversion. He also illustrated the use of various strength filters and their impact, post-processing, on colour IR film. Tony pointed out the problems to watch out for such as flare, focussing and hotspots. But if you enjoy perhaps surprise results, IR photography looks like fun!
© ALL IMAGES ABOVE: Tony Bamford 2023
Next up was Pete Shaw with an overview of the current camera lenses range and their impact on outcome. Pete also introduced the topic of anamorphic lenses which make possible a wider range of aspect ratios on a standard frame. This is a cinematic technique and lenses for cameras and iPhones are now available.
Time ran out so plenty to discuss and view at our next meeting!
NEXT MEETING: Member's presentation on Rainy Day photography, plus challenges (in camera multiple exposure, the letter D) and an image taken this January