2 February 2023
Member Pam Bamford started our meeting by taking us briefly through her learning process of four techniques that she has fun with on a 'rainy day'. First up was 'Botanicals', a photographic study of flowers in accurate detail, followed by 'Ferrofluid', (a new term to most members) using ferrofluid, a magnet and occasional acrylic paint to produce intriguing forms. 'Physiograms', using of a narrow beam torch, a piece of string and coloured sweet wrappers to produce geometric patterns, preceded 'Splashes and Crashes' whereby drops of fluid are photographed dropping into a shallow tray of the same liquid or crockery is caught crashing onto a hard surface. Something for everyone to bear in mind during the next phase of bad weather!
A selection of Pam's project work is shown below:
NB: All above images are © Pam Bamford 2023
January weather was a mix of too much rain (see Pete Shaw's drone shot of Lacock) and drops in temperature which allowed icicle and frost formation. Hardier members showed these in their images while others preferred warmth indoors and its effect on humans and flowers!