Members Pete Shaw and Ros Vickers took us through the pains and pleasures of their recent trip to The Falklands and South Georgia. The pains? Long flights, bumpy seas and getting on & off Zodiac inflatable boats perhaps. The pleasures? Well, their boat's accommodation and menu looked pretty excellent but most of all there was epic scenery and amazing wildlife to enjoy of course (even with the penguin smell!). Just a few images below illustrate the scale of their adventure.
All images below © Pete Shaw & Ros Vickers 2023
Afterwards, a different kind of challenge, to illustrate our favourite song titles, proved to be not as easy as it sounds. With no titles to guide the audience, wild guessing followed each projected image! Try a small sample below. Thankfully we didn't burst out into too much singing. Philip Male produced a very touching AV called Forever Autumn for his response (see link to Lacock Positive YouTube channel on RHS column).
We finished the evening with a round of images beginning with the letter 'D". Phew, these at least proved easier to guess what the D stood for!
Dahlia © Roger Parry 2023
Next Meeting: An image taken during March, learning about flash photography and how to make a photobook